Designed as a professional development Institute delivered entirely online, the Online Teaching Institute is a mostly asynchronous opportunity in which participants work together with support on the design of an online course. Throughout the Institute, faculty designing an online course for the first time will have the opportunity to devise, create, and reflect on the different components of an online course. At the same time, faculty with more online teaching experience may work through the modules to further reflect on their existing online courses.

By the end of this Institute, faculty will be able to:  

  • Build and support a community of inquiry in an online course 

  • Efficiently manage student and instructor workload  

  • Articulate learner-centered outcomes and objectives for an online course 

  • Design effective online assessments aligned with course objectives 

  • Plan, organize, and create online lessons on Moodle 

  • Identify which learning technologies and approaches best fit their course’s learning objectives 

Institute Structure 

Following a virtual kick-off meeting, on the first and second days of the Institute, faculty will work through the Institute’s modules on their own time while participating as desired in collaborative online discussions to support their work. On the third day, participants will have the opportunity for dedicated individual time with LITS consultants to support hands-on development of their online course. On the last day of the Institute, participants will meet up virtually to share experiences, impressions, and next steps with their colleagues and to celebrate the course development work they've completed. 

Faculty will need approximately 8 hours over the course of the first 2-3 days to successfully complete the Institute modules that support hands-on development of online course components.